

Monday, March 7, 2016

Welcome to all our new friends.
This page is where I share my true love for my gardens.
I am truly blessed to live on this farm with my family hard work yes, never ending work yes but man oh man there is nothing better than knowing you put a full days work in and it is home.
Truth is sometimes I forget and all I see is work and I have to make myself stop and appreciate (I actually really like to work and see the progress)
. We are a farm first then the gardens. There is enough... produce grown to last us the winter. We have fun, we have competitions, we argue about water, we can not count our sheep if our lives depended on it, our goats are always trying to get out, we have Molly the milk ,we have wildlife troubles, we have nice neighbors, we have lavender such beautiful lavender, ponds
A whole lot of creativity ~ oh the creativity and Inspiration might be just me the rest of the family just goes along.

Thank you for sharing in my dream

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