

Sunday, October 2, 2011

An amazing time of the year for the sky.
 Every time we look way up into the sky there is change.
We see deep colours of red and orange that look like the sky is on fire.
 Absolutely incredible.
 Another time we can see mauve, deep purples to pink all soft and romantic.
Then there is the deep gray swirling clouds like a storm is brewing, it is so magical.
 Then even though it is fall you can look up and see blue amazing clear blue skies.
 Last night at around six pm I was walking out of the arena to see an amazing sky.
A true vision of what heaven must be like.
So today take the time to look up way up, as you look around admire, be in awe.
 Take some deep breathes so it actually grounds you, calms you.
 And, then have a wonderful, wonderful Sunday.

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